PR Rules

PR Rules
A blog about our adventures in the great, mad world of PR. Write your own story. Blog. Become. Get noticed. Share. Write on.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

R.A.C.E. Model, Brand Management and More

Tonight, we'll break into our four teams to begin our preliminary discussion about our client:  "Home Green Home" (HGH) and to look at how they are capitalizing on the good PR of the "Green/Organic" Movement." Since our first step is always RESEARCH, your teams will be tasked with examining the website, reviewing stories written about HGH and reporting out to the rest of the class, particularly how you feel your particular area (Research, Social Media, On-line Strategies, Community Affairs) can be used to best advantage in growing and further fortifying the "HGH" brand. Any student with a Park Card, without a laptop tonight will be able to use one of the computer labs, and you should be able to use Rooms 270 or 275 for computer access.

It's important to remember that PR practitioners typically use the R.A.C.E. model (Research, Action, Communication and Evaluation) in their campaign work. A lovely extension of this, the "Race with Grace" (TM)
model is a nice place to begin. Start talking with one another about R.A.C.E., working in teams, your own personal strengths and challenges, approaches and more.

After an icebreaker exercise, you'll elect:  a Team Captain (a liaison between your team, client and supervisor/professor), a note taker and a timekeeper. These are all important positions as they will ensure efficiency in the limited time busy people, students and professionals often have. You'll spend much of the class speaking to the issue of the "HGH" brand. After spending about half the class time on this important research, I'll ask each team to report out.

Some considerations:
As we've discussed previously, there's no such thing as a valid social media strategy without proper brand identity. As many of you know in working in your teams and with your three clients, you  must first have a clear understanding of what the business stands for- and overall, what the overall brand promise is.

Just as you wouldn't begin a print campaign without a clear statement and appropriate research, the same process holds true for any integrated marketing communication and/or PR strategy integration either in print, TV, radio or online publishing, advertising, etc. Consistent messaging between Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and the web are what your clients and their consumers expect. So, too, is understanding tone and logo usage across the spectrum of your marketing communications efforts.

As visitors discover what your business has to offer, they begin to explore your online presence (web, blog, Facebook, tweets, video, etc.)  It is hoped that after this exploration, they build affinity with your product and/or services. From this you work hard to ensure that this enjoyment leads to sales and opportunity for further engagement. From there you continue to build the brand promise through quality customer service and attention to detail.

Finally, take a look at this neat article on "12 Steps to Building a Successful PR Campaign."   between now and next week. And don't forget to try to stop in and see "HGH" on the Commons before we meet again, if possible.

Looking forward to tonight!

Professor Berry



    "The mind knows not what the tongue wants"
    -Howard Moskowitz


    Also, once again, thank you prof. berry for postponing out mid-term till after break. Yesterday was definitely a good indicator that I clearly wasn't ready yet!

  3. It's horrible what happened in Japan.

    The world blog,, gives a rundown of the time frame and even info on how to prepare:

    7:03 a.m. ET: Read the American Red Cross guide on how to prepare for tsunamis.

  4. Denise, yes, it is. Do you have the Red Cross link to share? Thanks.

  5. Brent, enjoy your break! And you are welcome. My pleasure.

  6. Thanks, Giorgio for that link and oh so timely quote.

  7. Hi all,

    Since I am currently interning at the Red Cross, I think it's appropriate that I share our websites with you! The following is the link to our local Tompkins County Red Cross:

    In the right-hand banner, you can "follow us" on our blog and get the recent updates.

    Also, here is a link to emergency preparedness on all topics:

  8. I posted a comment and now I don't see it... so I am trying again.

    Since I am interning at the local Tompkins County Red Cross, I wanted to share our website:

    In the right-hand banner you can click on "follow us- blog" to get recent updates.

    Also, here is a link for emergency preparedness information on all topics:

  9. Here is the red Cross link:

  10. Jonelle, thanks for letting us know your comments weren't appearing. For whatever reason, they were flagged as "SPAM." I have corrected this by ensuring the system that your comments are not to be considered spam. Thanks.

  11. Interesting article related to PR, crisis communication, and study abroad:

  12. Interesting page, apparently the US State Department is extremely well organized when it comes to communicate with the media.
    The page is very clear and well designed. Have a look at it.

  13. The five dumbest things PR Pros can do with Social media

    I'm in the social media group so we will be sure we don't make these mistakes!

  14. Good News for anyone who wants to pursue a career in PR: BusinessWeek names PR a Top 10 Career for 2011!

  15. Good article Caryn! We will definitely not make those mistakes.

    Mashable has a great article about how PR pros are using social media:

  16. For anyone interested.....

  17. I found this on YouTube

    Its a company, called Spreadable, using word of mouth and tracking it, by adding a button on webpages and e-mails to share the link.

    I thought it was pretty neat because it tracks the referrals (how many times the link is shared) in a spreadsheet to see how well your word of mouth is working.

    What do you think?

  18. Looks like Wal-Mart may have another tarnish on it's reputation.

  19. Well what do we think-- Should the Wal-Mart discrimination suit go ahead? I want to hear more from Wal-Mart. And business meetings at Hooters?! Really?!
    No decision until June-- this should be interesting.

  20. wow, great, I was wondering how to cure acne naturally. and found your site by google, learned a lot, now i’m a bit clear. I’ve bookmark your site and also add rss. keep us updated. משרדי יחסי ציבור

  21. Great knowledge, do anyone mind merely reference back to it
    Brand Management
